So…. Can y’all believe it’s been six months already since I started housejob??? I can actually. Ive basically stopped blogging, reading non medical books, going out and doing so many other things I love. The whole process has been exhausting but I can’t complain because I met the most amazing person in this mess of a place.
I’m officially done with Obstetrics and Gynecology and Paediatrics and I’m currently in Lagos for a family event.
Everyone said Paeds would be horrible. I actually expected the worst. I was pleasantly surprised though. I met some amazing people and I had a blast. I’m not here saying I didn’t feel like slapping people everyday but it wasn’t as bad as they made it seem. Paediatrics was stress sometimes. It was frustrating meeting Parents that obviously have no plans for their kids. Some did not even care. Highlight of my paeds rotation would be the moment we discharged a premature baby I was so attached to. His parents just got married so it sorta hit me like ‘damn, this could happen to anyone I know’. I met baby Miracle when I started my SCBU posting this month and the baby went from stable to really sick to stable. It was just really a roller coaster. At some point he was the only male baby on the ward. Lol Even when we were distributing patients, the parents insisted I made him my patient. Long story short, baby Miracle got discharged and guess who wasn’t there? Yeah. Me. I was so happy nonetheless. Watching a baby almost die is the most depressing thing ever.
Guess what? The most random thing just happened. I just got a call from Baby Miracle’s parents. They were calling to say hi and tell me Baby Miracle does not miss my daily pcv checks and frequent pricks. Lmaoo
My worst moment in Paediatrics happened when I was doing my ward posting. I was in pulmonology unit. I was on call on the haemonc ward. Immediately I started my call, the nurse told me a patient is complaining and I should probably go see her. I went over to the bed side and asked the mother what the problem was. She said her daughter is in a lot of pain and she’s a strong girl so for her to be moaning, the pain must be intense. I asked what analgesics the child has been on. Luckily for me, the primary doctors were still on the ward so I asked them what they usually give her for the pain and they said she reacts badly to opioids so sadly, it’s just the usual IV paracetamol. I was like damn. Well, I went ahead and gave her some, collected my worklist, dropped my phone number and left the ward. I went back to give drugs at some point that night and the girl was not looking good at all. Thankfully, my reg was around. We both walked to the bedside and the mother was just complaining that something is off with her girl. Before we could even ask her what she meant, the girl started gasping. The mother started singing that ‘ You are great.. every single thing about you is great’ song. Said that’s her daughter’s favourite song. Then she told us that whatever happens, do not resusitate. The girl took her last breath and we just stood there looking. The mother did not stop singing. I didn’t even know when I shed a tear. It was so depressing. Then the part I couldn’t handle was when the father came and the mother who has been so strong all along started crying… They basically took turns crying for like 30minutes. Then the mother came up to me and brought all her unused consumables. (In Nigeria, patients buy their own consumables- needle, syringes, water for injection, gloves, cotton wool e.t.c) and gave them to me that she knows they’ll be useful to someone else.
Yeah, that call was the most fucked up call ever. The song was stuck in my head for like a week. so very dramatic.
Btw, the lil girl had nephroblastoma.
Ok enough about Paediatrics!
Starting my Surgery posting next week and I’m not exactly excited because I don’t like surgery either. The consolation right now is that I’ve done my least favourite so how bad can this one be?
Apparently neurosurgery is the worst unit so I’m praying I don’t get posted there but people have done it and they did not die so we move!
I’m in Lagos and I’ve not even done anything. I was supposed to get a new phone but everyone has been discouraging me. I’m just tired.
I’ll probably go visit my friends and sister and buy a couple of things.
Oh and I need to do my hair. Ugh
What phone should I get? I need one with a badass camera. Okay maybe not badass but good enough. I’m thinking iPhone 6s or Samsung s6 edge. Epp me please!
January is almost over. I am excited just knowing I’ll finish housejob this year.
Are you excited for the rest of the year?!
Awwwh, welcome back Doc…missed your posts.
Good to know how you’re progressing et al.
I could almost paint the Nephroblastoma patient scenario…things that happen on the ward. God remains faithful.
Started the MDCN remedial course a few weeks back and it’s just been…no adequate words to describe it. 😅😓
Looking forward to more house job adventures from you…I want to get all I can before that phase of my life comes calling.
Aww! Thanks for stopping by! I was actually in Luth couple of days ago. Awww Good luck! You’re writing it in a very good center so all will be well. I got a new phone so I’ll try to blog more!
iPhone 6s , Samsung s6 edge…Rich geng. Eez you o…
Great to see that you’re back!
yay, more awesome posts.
First thing first: I commend the faith and strength of that woman who lost her daughter. Sigh.
Happy that you met an amazing person that you still haven’t told me about!
Please keep me posted on your Neurosurgery rotation, I want to know ALL I mean ALL about it!
I have been a Samsung and an IPhone girl! Both are great and I remember going to this choice struggle a few months ago. My advice: use the phone which is going to be easier or cheaper to repair if anything goes wrong.
Thanks for reading! lol I already got an iphone. We have a lot to catch up on. I wasn’t posted to Neurosurgery after all. I was posted to Urology. lol I’ll let you know how that goes sha.