Meet the two T’s

Hey everyone, hope y’all are having a great day so far. We thought we should make a post about ourselves, basically so everyone can get to know us.

My name is Tosin. I’m a medical doctor and I just moved back to Lagos from the Caribbean (where i lived for over 5 years). Rihanna is my cousin (Argue with your mirror). I am 24 years old, the youngest in my family aka last born aka baby of the house. I am very shy yet opinionated, outspoken (only after chilling with you for like 5 times), observant. I freak out in uncomfortable situations and can’t hide it when I’m uncomfortable… this is a problem and I’m working on it. I don’t have a lot of friends because y’all can’t be trusted… just kidding. I think it’s because I’m just not that friendly… working on this too. I still live with my parents because in Nigeria, one cannot simply move out without the parents questioning your whole existence and even if one wants to move out, the prices of apartments will drive you back to your father’s house. I just wrote the medical licensing exam and when the result is out, the search for where to do my internship aka house job starts. So for now, i’m just home doing nothing really with my life. I started reading books again. Great stuff!

My name is Titi and I’m an Economist. I moved back to Nigeria over three years ago. I remember looking forward to serving my country (N.Y.S.C). Biggest Joke!!! (You guys thinking of moving back especially for this. DON”T. Seriously, Don’t. I cried on my first night in camp, and YES it is that deep). I work in a bank in Lagos, it is definitely not the dream job but hey one step at a time yeah? I recently got double promoted so I sometimes smile to the bank..L.O.L. I am a TV show addict, OMG!!! I can watch TV shows to save Nigeria. I love shopping, for anything and as such always seeking something new to buy every other day. (My last purchase was natural hair products and a wig) and oh! I love cheesecake.  I’ve heard it said that I can be stubborn but Tosin is in first place. For demeanour,I don’t consider myself  shy, but I can be very quiet.

Because of our current schedules, Tosin will be updating the blog during the week and Titi on weekends.

We welcome you on board this journey, we expect it to be fun, we’ll look forward to your comments and criticism.

Welcome again to “Life with two Tee’s”




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