Hey guys. How’s it going? I feel like now that I’ve started working I won’t have the time and energy to post things but I’ll sure update y’all on what’s happening because I like gisting and sharing. 😏
July was a stressful month for me tbh. I started the medicals for my new job and these people are so dramatic. I’m not complaining tho because its all for my health and to make sure I’m fit and protected from some diseases I could get while working here. I legit got over 6 injections, did a bunch of blood tests, found out I was underweight ( I gained weight in July tho) praise jah.
So I found out I’m starting my internship year in Obstetrics and Gynecology. I was so happy. Its so funny cuz I was talking to the guy sitting right beside me about how I wanted obgyn and they called all the Doctors posted to that department and my name wasn’t mentioned. They initially posted me to pediatrics and randomly changed their minds. I was like ‘look at God!’
I just like and feel it’ll nice to transition from Obgyn to pediatrics and not the other way round.
So, I’m doing obgyn for the next three months. We apparently get to go to different units every month so we get to experience and learn as much as we can. That’s really exciting.

I met some really nice people in July and I think I’m going to be really close to some of them. We all just clicked.
I would share more but July was really not that eventful. I was sad I missed Eat Drink Festival and the other food fest in Lagos but I was eating Amala in Ibadan so life wasn’t so bad and I can’t complain.
How was July for you? Are you excited for the new month? Got plans for it? Looking forward to anything? Share with me in the comments section.
I hope this month goes well and hope I don’t lose weight from the stress but I’ll definitely keep y’all updated.