Hurricane Maria – Pray For Dominica


How’s everyone doing?

First of all, can someone please explain to me why there is traffic everywhere in Lagos. What kind of struggle?

Earlier in the week we spoke about our goals this month. If you did not read it, you can read it here . Guess who has already ticked one off? Yeah, your girl, Tosin.

I got a job! Now, this was totally impromptu and random but I’m grateful I got it and so far so good.

I’m still hoping to do NYSC in November so I hope it works out well in the end.

I was not in a great mood when the week started. The news about hurricane Maria has been so sad. I lived in Dominica for 6 years and although I complained a lot because I generally used to complain a lot ( emphasis on used), I loved how amazing, nice and easy going the people of Dominica and the Caribbean generally are. They always found time to relax, have a good time and just be happy and to be honest that was awesome!  They’re also the most welcoming people I’ve ever come across!  I remember my first week there, I’d be walking on the street and random people will start greeting me ‘good morning’. It was honestly so refreshing.

I spent 6 years of my life there. I called the place home for those six years and it’s really sad to see them go through this.

I still have some friends there and I am so relieved that they’re all well and alive. Thanks to God.

My friend shared a picture of her living room after the hurricane and I’m just like wow…. the stress, hurt, pain and cost of starting over must be overwhelming. No one is ever prepared for this. People have lost their homes, jobs and lives. It’s like starting life all over again.

I have been trying to find a way to help out. It’s quite a struggle from Nigeria but here’s how you can help.

Click here 

All items would be shipped to Elka Cools-Lartigue in Fort Lauderdale and then transported to Dominica.
I spoke to my friend and she said they need even the basic things like baby stuff, toothpaste, tooth brush, deodorants and things like that!

You could also donate Here

It’s really devastating and I pray they find the strength to start again and be the happy people they’ve always been known to be.



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