So first of all , before I start this post I don’t want to hear ‘I don’t read books like that’ because this list isn’t just for book lovers. Anyone can read and enjoy these books. I know this because I’ve recommended them to people and I’ve gotten great feedback. Plus we are all stuck at home so you have no excuse really. If you end up not liking any, please block me because you’re obviously bad vibes. Okay… In no particular order, 10 books to get your mind off COVID-19.
1. Patsy – Nicole Dennis Benn
Nicole Dennis Benn is a Jamaican writer who wrote this very beautiful story that explores immigration, racism, sexuality, abuse and so much more. Nicole is a beautiful writer and she has a way of drawing you in with her style of writing. So simple and effortless!

2. Educated – Tara Westover
I read this two years ago and I can still vividly remember the story. It probably stuck with me because it’s non fiction and it’s almost impossible to believe that she actually went through all she wrote about. You expect that people aren’t so closed minded people but you learn everyday eh! Expect to go from being mind-blown, angry to being motivated.

3. The silent patient – Alex Michaelides
This was the first book of the month for my bookclub this year and it was sooo good! Such a fantastic, riveting, mind blowing psychological thriller. This book will keep you guessing from the very beginning and you will end up mind fucked by the plot twist. Nothing prepares you for it. The silent patient will keep you up at night and mess up your sleeping pattern but it’s all worth it. You can read my review of this book here.

4. Girl, woman, other – Bernadine Evaristo
One of my best reads last year. It’s a collection of interconnected short stories. Stories about black women from different generations and their struggles through life. It’s a good one I promise. If you love short stories, you’ll absolutely adore this book!

5. Born a crime – Trevor Noah
This isn’t a new book so I won’t be shocked if you have read it but this book list will feel incomplete without this. Born a crime tells the story of Trevor Noah’s life from when he was born till he became who we know him as. A popular comedian. You’ll get to understand that life isn’t exactly rosy but that shouldn’t deter you. You’ll laugh out loud a lot while reading this book.

6. Sadie – Courtney summers
This one is so good and if you’re a lover of podcasts, you’ll love this even more. It tells a story of a missing girl on a revenge mission. A serial- like podcast following the clues she’s left behind. It was one hell of a ride! I highly recommend listening to the audiobook.

Personally asked for permission to post it and he was so kind.
7. Manchester happened – Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi
The Ugandan author released her sophomore book last year. Following the success of Kintu, the pressure was quite real but it was worth every hype! Manchester Happened is a collection of short stories where Jennifer tells different stories relating to immigration. The first part of the book focused of people leaving Uganda and the second part people returning to Uganda. It was beautifully written and you can tell she has a great sense of humor!

8. Here comes the sun – Nicole Dennis Benn
Two of her books in one list. Yes, she’s that good. This book was actually her debut novel and it explores life in Jamaica but from a locals perspective. I particularly love the cover because it depicts the Jamaica tourists know, colors, beaches, palm trees, sun and rum. However in this book Nicole tells a story about a mother and her two daughters and their relationships, life and struggles. ‘ It captures the distinct rhythms of Jamaican life and dialect.’

9. Modern love : True stories of love, loss and redemption – Daniel Jones
Modern love is a compilation of short essays from the New York Times. This book leaves you examining yourself and your decisions you make when you’re in love. I love that they’re true stories- so raw, honest, vulnerable and refreshing. You definitely want to read this.

10. Half of a yellow sun – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
I’m sure you’ve seen or heard of this book at some point in your life. I’m here to tell you it’s time to read it. Chimamanda writes beautifully and effortlessly. This book recreates a seminal moment in modern African history: Biafra’s impassioned struggle to establish an independent republic in Nigeria in the 1960’s. HOAYS is intense and dramatic in every way you want it to be.

P.S- there is also the option of listening to the audiobooks. You can do that by downloading scribd and using this referral code – to get two months free.
Let me know if you’ve read any of the books on the list and if you enjoyed it. Also, if you need help sourcing for these books, leave a comment !
I can’t believe I have read only HOAYS.
What kind of a book lover am I ?
On the bright side, I have heard about and read reviews on each and every one of these books.
I really should try an audiobook soon.
This really is an interesting time to be alive, and getting lost in books is one of the best ways to maximize the time.
LOL. You should try audiobooks. You’ll love them.